Optionals say either "there is a value, and it equals x" or "there isn't a value at all". An Optional is a type on its own, actually one of Swift 4's new super-powered enums. It has two possible values, None and Some(T), where T is an associated value of the correct data type available in Swift 4.
//OPTIONALS MASTERCLASS //If you want to create a variable with "no value" just add a "?", or "!", depending on the case. //EXAMPLE var number: Int? print (number as Any) //ANOTHER EXAMPLE THAT WILL NOT CRASH let enteredText = "four" let enteredTextInteger = Int (enteredText) if let anotherText = enteredTextInteger{ print(anotherText * 2) }else{ print("Please try again. Invalid input.") } Happy coding! :)